Wormwood Complex

As low as £7.85 Regular Price £7.99


A combination of herbs traditionally used for parasitic infestations.

Available in 30ml and 100ml

Indications: Nematode (Round Worms), Cestode (Tape Worms) and Tremenatoda (Flukes) infestation.

Full Description:

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium): A traditional remedy for all intestinal parasites.

Walnut (Juglans cinerea): Good liver herb used traditionally for parasitic infestation.

Garlic (Allium sativum): Good cleanser with a history of use in parasitic infestations.




Picrasma. (Jamaican Quassia ): Anti-parasitic.

Also recommended:

  • Powdered Pumpkin seeds added to food have been shown to be a good preventative and cure for parasitic infestation.
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper in food can be useful if you can get your pet to eat it!
  • A good multi-vitamin/multi-mineral complex can be useful. Parasitic infestation can lead to a lack of nutrition. Competition in the gut for available nutrients can upset intestinal flora, which can lead to food not being properly used.
  • Cider vinegar, a teaspoon per pint of drinking water.
  • One or two grated carrots added to food can be useful. Carrots are known to be an anthelmintic (a substance that causes the elimination of intestinal parasites).
  • Homoeopathically many remedies are available for treating intestinal parasites. However we would suggest that you seek professional advice on these, as they are not readily available in suggested strengths and tend to be for specific infestations.

N.B. Due to the gentle nature of this combination it has been used on puppies, kittens and birds. The combination has also been used as a prophylactic, given once per week, fortnight or month. To eliminate intestinal parasites already present we suggest using over a three to four day period and repeat as necessary.


Directions & Dosage: The suggested dose on the bottle gives a drop amount. Small dogs and cats should be given a dose around the lower figure, large dogs should be given a dose around the higher figure. Pigeons and aviary birds, use one drop per bird in drinking water. Because the combinations are in tincture, it is advisable to put drops into a little hot (not boiling) water and allow to cool before administrating. This allows the alcohol to evaporate off.

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